Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Teen drug and alcohol abuse can be a huge problem, and it not limited to supposed at risk teens. You can tell you kids to abstain as much as you want but depending on the circumstances there is not a certain way to keep them from being exposed to drugs and alcohol.


Sometimes it is easy to overlook teen drinking because alcohol is legal for adults, but it is always illegal for minors. This also goes for any party your teen might try to have in your home, the responsibility is yours.


Some statistics say that teenagers are more likely than adults to binge drink, which is considered five or more drinks in one sitting. As many as 200,000 teens per year are reported to be injured in an accident regarding alcohol. 

There are many reasons that kids fall into bad habits with drugs and alcohol. They are more likely to be in an experimental phase, might want to rebel, and are often feeling the pressure of their peers and classmates. Teens might not realize how strong and real addiction can be and unwittingly fall into a heavy habit. Teens are more likely to be sexually assaulted when under the influence, the possibility of drunk driving is always imminent, and thefts go up if teens do not know how else to get money to pay for their habits.


It can be hard to tell because a lot of warning signs seem like typical behavior, but ignoring anything can be the start of a problem. Some things to watch for as potential warning signs include their suddenly and without warning hanging out with a totally different group of friends, staying out later and not being honest about where they are going, telling lies, and doing worse in school then they are known to do. Again, these behaviors do not necessarily mean that a teen has a drug abuse problem but it could be a hint that something is off with them or they are experimenting in some way.  Follow the link to learn more about Teen Drug Abuse.


Talking to a teen is not always easy, but it is the only way that you provide a sounding board in case they feel comfortable opening up to you. It is not the best move to assume that since they were a well behaved baby that they will remain they way unguided. Talking to a teen about serious matters should be one from a nonjudgmental place and an open heart.  Click here to learn more about substance abuse facts and statistics.


If your teen is struggling with addiction, rehab and therapy could be the answer. It is no reflection on your parenting to have a teen with a drug or alcohol problem if you are actively trying to help them heal.


Rehab for teens is of course catered specifically to their age group. The aim towards wellness will attempt to get them clean and healthy while they are still young. Please check out the facts about teenage drug abuse.